
Gene’s work has appeared in some 40 publications, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, Newsday, Moment, U.S. News & World Report, National Geographic Traveler, Philadelphia, Boston, Washingtonian and Bethesda magazines, Columbia College Today, Chesapeake Bay Magazine, Columbia Journalism Review, and CQ Researcher.

He has written personal appreciations of Ben BradleeE.L. Doctorow and Tony Mendez (played by Ben Affleck in the 2012 Academy Award-winning Best Picture film Argo). His NY Times “Square Feet” features have focused on commercial real estate and development. He has also reviewed books and written extensively on historical and current issues of race and racism.


Stamped Out

The Dread Disease The 1918 flu pandemic in Montgomery County, Md.

Katharine Weymouth interview with former Washington Post publisher

Miracle Man July-August 2020 Bethesda Magazine

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